It seems a little odd to be celebrating Scala Radio’s second birthday this evening online via Teams. I was grumpy partly because of the hopelessness of BT Openreach, partly because the internet has been so flakey today and partly because the precariousness of present working conditions was exposed to me. A coaching session very nearly didn’t happen (Coaches who fail to turn up for sessions are understandably looked down upon.) I am reminded that acknowledging what’s going on outside your bubble is terribly important. I try to. But I attend these kind of things and look on the assembled crowd and think ‘imposter syndrome’. (I reassure myself it would have been far worse if this had happened in person.) I’m indebted to Brett Spencer for introductions and opportunities, the wonderfulness of Charlotte Greenman and Maria Williams, and the hard earned trust of David May, Poppy Davenport, Clare Baker, Jo Wilson, Alice Millar and Seb too. Starting a radio station isn’t easy. Working with me is even more demanding (during a meeting with a senior wonk last week I explained that I was ‘a massive pain in the arse’.) Pity them all. With added love to the brilliant Kellie Redmond and the ridiculously efficient and effective Ally Steel.