A new URL for the Thoroughly Good Blog

Just recently the Thoroughly Good Blog over at www.thoroughlygood.me has been subject to a malware hack. It’s not massively serious, although it does make browsing around the blog a bit of a faff. Not ideal.

So, I’ve started to rebuild a fresh version of the blog here at http://blog.thoroughlygood.me.

There are some 1540 blog posts to migrate across to the new home. So it is going to take a bit of time.

But, seeing as I’ve been publishing on this platform since 2009, it’s probably a good opportunity to strip out the dross and revisit some of the good stuff.

I’m going to work on it week to week – you’ll see the archive posts appear in the sidebar, month by month.

This will be the blog’s new home from now on, with some of my other content production and training and development services coming online in the next few weeks.

Sorry for the partial inconvenience.

Until things settle down, its probably best to follow Thoroughly Good on Twitter or Facebook.

You’ll find the podcasts published on Audioboom and Spotify.