It’s been a busy week. I’ve not watched a great deal of TV. But what I have seen has been a ‘must-watch’ and it’s made me cry (twice) for all the right reasons.
Sky Arts and ENO’s three-month singing masterclass for the vocally challenged is a heartwarming endeavour built upon a pandemic project. It beams positivity and trades on transformation too. It proudly wears its heart on its sleeve but it’s efficient doing so. It is a pleasure. A much-needed tonic.
Why? Tenor Nicky Spence is given the space to be himself with plenty of room for his gently subversive humour. Trinity Laban Vocal Coach Sarah Pring similarly displays a heart of gold. Michael Harper plays the solid unflappable mature type. A warm supportive and effortlessly empowering ensemble.
In front of them in episode one broadcast on March 30 2022, ten self-confessed challenged vocalists including the star of the show Luke whose Tourette’s is subdued when he sings. Watch his ‘audition’. He’s a heartbreaker.
ENO have come up trumps with this partnership with Sky Arts. I see a LOT of sneering online at the brand (I have myself questioned the long term effectiveness of their Instagram feed which has in recent years sometimes confused cheeky irreverence with a young persons exclusivity/cliqueness.
But in this piece of content the brand rides high. I watch episode one and am reminded of some of the elements of music that bring me joy. There is then a life-affirming quality to this programme. I love it.
Anyone Can Sing! is on Wednesdays from March 30 2022 on Sky Arts