Good to see the Monteverdi Choir on the front foot today announcing a new partnership with London conservatoire Trinity Laban – something that casts appropriate shade on Thoroughly Good’s comparative doom-mongering just a few days ago.
Monteverdi Choir and Orchestras’s collaboration with TL will support the conservatoire’s historical performance activities, driving the undergraduate and postgraduate curriculum, in addition to those underserved across South East London.
As part of the new partnership, the MCO will support Trinity Laban’s community outreach work which engages students, young people, and people with disabilities in some of the most deprived and culturally underserved communities in South East London.
All nicely tied in with MC’s collection of concerts in Ely and Grenwich, directed by Jonny Sells and presented by Sara Mohr-Pietsch, spotlighting Gesualdo and Bruckner. The social media clips have been glorious.