Changing career path doesn’t mean failure, it means an opportunity to develop.
Why I’m less inclined to speak up in future.
How Norman Lebrecht’s latest missive misses the mark, and how those with the power have condoned and legitimised it.
Don’t point the finger, don’t set up expectations, and avoid establishing a clique.
Don’t fall into the traps others have got caught-up in.
News arrives at Thoroughly Good of the appointment of Suzy Klein as Head of Arts and Classical Music TV at the BBC. BBC Radio 3, TV and Proms presenter Klein takes on her new role in October 2021. Thoroughly Good can’t think of anyone better to take on the role. Suzy’s path has taken in…
Radio still thrives, and television coverage has been afforded the opportunity to get some gratifying wide shots. But is the televisual refresh at the expense of available space for Prommers?
November 2021 and beyond is ‘previewed’ in the Wigmore Hall brochure suggesting no one is entirely sure what will happen in the months ahead.
News today that Presto Music, the online and in-store classical music distribution hub saw an 18% increase in its business growth in the past twelve months is good to hear. The news prompts a few Thoroughly Good Hunches. First, its evidence of an engaged customer base remaining true, presumably, to its preference for physical products…
How lovely words reflect civic pride